Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Know a Thing or Two About Duck Tape

I walk into Hobby Lobby, not really knowing what it is that I’m looking for. My Halloween costume needs some altering and I once heard of a fantastic invention, a tape of sorts, that allows you to adhere clothing straight to your skin. I thought this sounded much better than the alternative, which consisted of a hot glue gun and a considerable amount of pain, so I struck off on my mission. I aimlessly walk around the store until I stumble across an aisle that has tape smack dab on the end. How convenient! I begin looking. Scotch tape? No. Gift wrap tape? Funny, but no. Ah….Double Sided tape. There’s the answer, but as I start walking around, clutching my new find, I begin having second thoughts. Is this truly safe? Sure, its yellow packaging looks friendly enough, but will it feel so friendly after I peel it off of my chest? I find a surely well educated Hobby Lobby employee and proceed to begin my interrogation. “I’m looking for something that’s referred to as fabric tape.” A blank stare in return. I continue, “Basically, I need to tape a piece of clothing to my body. Have any ideas?” She hesitates. “You would probably need to use something heavier. Try Masking Tape or Duck Tape. One of those would work.” I try to hide the look that I know is creeping all over my face. “Thanks that’s a really good idea.” I turn and walk away.

I may not be a freaking Martha Stewart, but I sure as heck know better than to stick a piece of duck tape on my body.

By the way, it’s called “Fashion Tape” and you can find it at your friendly neighborhood fabric store.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday Night Surprise

Two things our society has embraced: Elvis and Viagra. Hence my excitement when I saw a TV commercial with an attractive older couple dancing to a rendition of “Viva Viagra.” Yes, in some land far away, where geniuses run amuck, someone coined the phrase Viva Viagra. But the fun doesn’t stop there. I noticed on the bottom of the screen, that the makers of Viagra warn about the complications that can occur if you take Viagra while taking nitrates for chest pains. Naturally that made me laugh, because of course I was reminiscing about the first time I saw Something’s Gotta Give. (Geez, what else would it have me reminiscing about?) And as an added bonus, the last words you see on the screen say “See our ad in Golf Magazine.” All in all, I give it four stars out of however many stars are used to rate ridiculous TV. commercials.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Don't Give Up Five Minutes Before the Miracle

This morning The Today Show aired one of the most feel good stories that I have seen in a long time.

A family’s father had just past away, when at the funeral the elderly widow begin to feel terribly ill. After the burial they rushed her to the emergency room, where one of her sons removed all of her jewelry, which happened to be of great sentimental value, and tied the belongings up in a plastic glove as to safeguard them for the duration of her hospital stay. The next day when others in the family asked about the jewelry, the glove was nowhere to be found. Realizing that not only had it been left at the hospital, but that it had also been thrown away, they met a custodian who was more than willing to go above and beyond. After contacting the waste management company responsible for the hospital’s garbage, the family and their newly found friend, Frank, set out to dig through the endless bags of waste. After six hours of digging through the vile trash, the family wanted to give up, but it was Frank who insisted they push on, saying, “Don’t give up five minutes before the miracle.” It was also Frank who pulled the glove out of the trash containing this family’s valuables.

During his interview on the Today Show, Frank was asked why he would go to such extreme links to help this family, whom he had no obligation. He simply responded that he, too, had lost his parents and wanted to help them in a time he knew was already so difficult. He wanted to do for them, what he would have wanted others to do for himself.

This is a beautiful reminder of the good that can be found in one another, even a stranger. A heart like Frank’s is truly touching. This man had no obligation to help these people, and in fact, his helping was probably one of the most selfless things he could have done. Sure, anyone can offer words of encouragement, but not only did this man go and spend six hours digging through garbage for this family, he was the one who encouraged them to push on. Had he not, the family would have forever gone without what they held precious to them and we wouldn’t have such a vivid reminder of what mountains a good person can move.

Don’t give up five minutes before the miracle; it's one of the more inspiring things I've heard in a long time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Week has Gone by

And I still don’t have much to report. The best thing about banking is all of the wonderfully celebrated holidays throughout the year, for instance Columbus Day. The banking community’s celebration of Columbus discovering America made for an excellent three day weekend, and fingers crossed, an excellent four day work week.

This weekend was phenomenal. Bailey’s first birthday party was fabulous, and I still stand amazed at how quickly they turn into smart miniature people. My weekend spent with family was just what the Dr. ordered.

Coming back to Lubbock I find myself in somewhat of a funk. I know that there are many things contributing to said funk, a few more heavy than the others, but what to do about it is where I stand perplexed. For one, I am beyond ready to move out of the tiny apartment that I have called home for the past four years. In essence, I just want to move and move away. I’ve outgrown it, and strangely enough, I mean that in a few senses of the word. I was hoping to possibly have a house before fall came upon us, but I don’t think that will be happening. Not to be a party pooper though, there are worse things than spending your favorite season in an apartment you’re so already well accustomed to. Let’s just hope that my crazy downstairs neighbors find a way to get along and cease the yelling that wakes me up in the middle of pleasant slumbers.

Usually I feel most rejuvenated in the fall. Oddly enough, it’s practically the only season that seems to inspire some sort of inner creativity within me. I find myself wanting to bake, decorate, arrange flowers, and why not, even find a way to make homemade potpourri. However, if I don’t find a shovel and dig myself out of the rut I’ve been in, fall will come and go and pay no attention to the one who loves it most. And I absolutely cannot have that. Way too important things are on the line. For instance, the McMillan family jack-o-lantern extravaganza (and I say family here, because at one point or another they’ll be forced to adopt me).

I think part of my funk is due to fall itself. With my favorite season comes good memories, and on most days those memories are like a nice afghan draped across your body as you lounge around. Not right now. Memories sometimes have a way of forcing us to deal with things we’ve been putting off. Ah, the sooner the better right?

So here’s to fall and for this downer of a blog I’ve written. It looks like I had something to say after all.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Only the Most Ingenious Marketing Ploy Ever!

“Eat all you want and lose weight! We couldn’t say it on T.V. if it weren’t true!”

Well, by all means, pass me the phone and my credit card (probably yours, too). And now that I know “it has to be true” if you hear it on an infomercial, don’t expect me to be out socializing, not when from the comfort of my own home I can be shopping for miracle weight loss drugs!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Birthday Smiles

Today my beautiful niece, Bailey, turned one. It was 365 days ago that I left work early and rushed to the Amarillo Hospital for her arrival. I was so excited and seeing my sister and the look on her face is something I will never forget.

That night spent with them in the hospital room was untouchable. As Dusty slept and my sister recuperated, I got to help with things such as burping the new little bundle of joy. She cuddled her red, newborn face into my neck and it was absolutely the perfect way to welcome her into the world. She was so sweet and so tiny, and so unlike anything I had ever seen. So here we are, one year later, and I can truly say that she is a blessing to our lives.

She is smart, so sweet, and absolutely breathtaking. It's amazing to see how fast she is developing. She's already a little person! So here's Happy Birthday to the most beautiful one year old any one has ever laid eyes on! And for the rest of you, a few more pictures that are sure to be a crowd pleaser!

I Kid You Not

My vacation spent in Vegas has left me blank in regards to blogging. Sure, I should have walked away with plenty to blog about, and oddly enough I did. The only problem is that if I don’t immediately write down my ideas, they seemingly vanish just as quickly as they came; I’m talking milliseconds, folks.

So to try and redeem myself for not posting a blog for weeks (apparently a blogger sine to some) I’m going to attempt and hit the highlights.

Things I Liked and Disliked about Vegas:

Seeing Cirque De Soleil’s Beatles Love show (like) – this is amazing, amazing! I highly suggest that anyone and everyone take a special trip out to Vegas just to see this show. My desire to meet and marry Paul McCartney is stronger than ever.

Sitting next to a foreigner who refuses to clap during the Beatles Love show (dislike) – How can you not be clapping? Really, no more explanation needed.

Seeing Celine Dion Live in Concert (like) – She ended with “My Heart Will Go On.” It was a beautiful moment for Titanic fans round the world.

Sitting Chairs Down from a Man with a Q-tip stuck behind his Ear during said Performance (like/dislike) – If this doesn’t exuberate class, what does I ask you? Hey, it’s like they say, you never know when you’re going to need a Q-tip in the middle of a Celine Dion concert.

Finding Said Q-tip on the floor as your exiting the theatre (dislike) – no further explanation needed.

Somewhat Grungy People Handing out Flyers for Nudy Women (dislike) – I know, I know, its part of what Vegas is all about. I just hate the clicking thing they do with them right as you pass by! Plus, but if you’ll excuse me Mr., your arm just grazed something of mine as you tried handing that flyer to someone on the other side of the street.

Debating with your Mother as to whether or not a Blue Star Covering the “Nip” can be Considered Nude (like) – No official ruling, but it was entertaining none the less.

Now on to the “I Kid You Not” portion of the blog:

As I had reached a point of my day, that I was so lazy I lacked the energy to channel surf, I flipped on the T.V. Guide channel. I figured that it would be easier for my eyes to tune in to a scrolling list of what was on, rather than muster up the energy required to continually punch the channel up button.

For all of you fellow “I’m too lazy to channel surfers,” you’ll note that the top half of the T.V. guide screen is reserved for bad programming, where has beens and never weres are hired to conduct interviews, etc. Kimberly Clarke (and no, I do not know her name because I watch American Idol) was interviewing would be contestants for the next season of AI. She asked one girl who was waiting in line to sing before the judges what was harder – Being in the army or Trying out for AI. The girl responded, “Oh this, definitely. It’s more never-wracking.”

I KID YOU NOT. (No additional sarcastic comments necessary)

Stay tuned – I’ll be posting a very special blog sometime this evening!