Wednesday, August 22, 2007

There is no Rhyme or Reason

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty of my blog’s title. Yes, I am at this very moment sitting in a cubicle. However, said cubicle is much appreciated seeing as how it allows me to look at the blue sky and the home depot parking lot, in which I saw someone rolling a “j” (it was my first time – it’s imperative to share things like this) during my work day. I used to work in a basement, but that story will be told when I have another work day I need to kill. Conundrums? Not so much at this point in time, but when naming my blog it seemed to fit. Mainly because between the hours of 8-5 is when I spend obsessing about things that are going on in my life. Kayla, who convinced me to come to the “dark side” and start a blog, can attest to my obsessing, seeing as how 6 hours out of my 8 hours at work are spent emailing her about said conundrums. Wow. My first blog and I have managed to make myself seem obsessive and lazy? That takes talent, folks. For those of you reading this and who are possibly affiliated with a certain buffalo-oriented bank, rest assured that I do actually work (not that you should monitor my Internet usage to prove it); I just can’t help the fact that life behind a cubicle causes your mind to wander from time to time. So there you have it. Cubicle conundrums and beyond. God be with all of you who will now be subject to my random thoughts. Starting with: Conundrum is defined as a riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun. Cheese and Rice – what have I gotten myself into?

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