Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's Not My Job

After my alarm went off for the fourth time and after hitting snooze again, I snuggled up in bed and began to think about my job. I like what I do. At this stage in the game for me, it’s challenging. I’m learning new things and I love it. I work with a great group of people and for the first time in a long time, I’m working towards something I really want to do. I like my job. This leads me to the conclusion, that it’s not my job that causes such disdain for my alarm clock. It’s not my job that makes me loathe having to get up so early and try to look professional. It’s not my job that has taken the fun out of making my coffee. No, my job is not to blame. Plain and simple, it’s my bed, my wonderful, cozy, snuggly, soft bed. It’s an easy diagnosis really – I like my job, I would just rather still be in bed!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

I feel that I would be one hell of a worker if only I could do it from my bed. Give me a good cup o' java, my PJ's and my cozy bed - I would get 3 times as much work done. Or perhaps I would sleep all day. Either way...