Thursday, September 13, 2007

They Say it Happens...

But you don’t believe them.

We’ve all played the get to you know your neighbor, coworker, whatever by humiliating yourself and sharing with the world your most embarrassing moment. Time after time, I’ve heard the whole toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe bit and I wasn’t buying it. Until….

It happened to me. I’m exiting the ladies room and happen to look over my shoulder to say hello to a coworker. She motions for me to stop, puts her hand on my shoulder, and points out that I have something stuck to my shoe. I look down and low and behold I do have something stuck to my shoe, but by “something” she meant toilet paper. She is so kind as to help me with the unsticking of my sticky situation, as I look for a trash can to throw away the evidence. Turns out that throwing away the evidence doesn’t really masquerade anything, when you realize that this whole scenario happened in front of the coffee shop windows. That’s right folks, if you’re going to embarrass yourself, you might as well have an audience; which is not a comforting feeling to have seeing as how I’m going on a company sponsored hunting trip this afternoon. Fingers crossed!

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